
Levi's Boys Back Neck Tape Polo Shirt in Navy
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• Sophisticated Design: Displaying classy neck tape detail, this navy blue polo shirt adds a touch of flair to your boy’s attire.

• Quality Fabric: Crafted from premium-grade material, the garment is soft, breathable and ideal for all-day wear.

• Brand Value: This exclusive Polo Shirt by Levi’s introduces your boy to the world of high-end fashion.

Revamp your boy’s wardrobe with this stylish Polo Shirt. Watch your lively lad stand out in superior style! Shop now!

Levi's Boys Back Neck Tape Polo Shirt in Navy
Levi's Boys Back Neck Tape Polo Shirt in Navy
Levi's Boys Back Neck Tape Polo Shirt in Navy
Levi's Boys Back Neck Tape Polo Shirt in Navy

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10Y, 12Y, 14Y, 16Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y, 6Y, 8Y

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